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User Role Descriptions & Adding a User

There are seven user roles in MaintenanceDirect. Each role has a different level of access in the system and will see slightly different views on their homepage. All roles have the ability to enter new work orders into the system.

MaintenanceDirect User Roles


Administrators have full access to everything in MaintenanceDirect. They have the ability to define Locations, Buildings, Areas, and Crafts. They can add users, set up routing, and set up the MySchoolBuilding page. Administrators can easily see all work orders in the system from the "Work Orders by Status" section on their homepage. They can assign work orders to all users and run reports.

Supervisor I

The Supervisor I role can access all portions of the system except for the Account Setup tab. They have the ability to assign work orders to all users. In the "Work Orders by Status" section of the homepage, Supervisor Is will only see work orders assigned to themselves or to any of their direct reports. They have access to all reports and can search for all work orders via the search or advanced search.

Supervisor II

The Supervisor II role is limited to certain Locations and/or Crafts. By default, they can only assign work orders for their assigned Locations and/or Crafts to themselves or to their direct reports. In the "Work Orders by Status" section of the homepage, they will see all work orders for their assigned Location(s) and Craft(s). Supervisor IIs have limited access to reports and can only search for work orders within their Locations and Crafts via the search or advanced search.


Technicians have limited editing capabilities on a work order. For example, they are unable to reassign work orders to other users. Technicians can add their own labor hours and material purchases to work orders, and can change the status of work orders to mark them work in progress or complete. They will only see work orders assigned to themselves on their homepage. They do have the ability to search for all work orders via the search or advanced search.


The main function of the Clerk role is data entry. They have shortcut forms to expedite the data entry process for entering work orders, labor hours, and material purchases. The Clerk has access to all work orders. They can assign new requests, edit, and complete/close existing work orders. Clerks have limited access to reports and can search for all work orders via the search or advanced search.

Site Administrator

Site Administrators are responsible for approving work orders routed to them. They have view-only access to all work orders for their assigned Location(s). Site Administrators have the ability to enter new work requests for their Locations.


Requesters are only able to enter new work orders into the system. Once they have entered a request, they can view it but will not be able to change it. Requesters use the MySchoolBuilding page to enter requests and are the only role able to register themselves into the system when given the correct information by Administrators.


The Comptroller is not an actual user role in MaintenanceDirect, rather it is an extra level of responsibility above the role. If the system does not know who the work order should be assigned to, either through a lack of or an error in the routing rules, it will automatically assign the work order to the Comptroller. This ensures that every New Request is assigned to a user in the system. Only one user can be designated as the Comptroller for the account.

How to Add Users

Watch the Video Tutorial:


  • Click on the Account Setup tab.
  • Click on the Users link. (You can also hover your mouse over the Shortcuts menu and select the MD Users link from the list.)
  • Click the Add User link above the right side of your user list.



  • If you have users in other Brightly applications, you will be directed to a Registered Users page. The Registered Users drop down list will show all users in other Brightly applications that are not users in MaintenanceDirect. If the person you wish to add is in that list, select their name and click Add This User.
  • If the person is not in the list, click the New User button.

Adding Registered Users

  • After clicking the Add This User button, you will need to select the Role for this user.
  • Check the box if you want this user to be the Comptroller for the account.
  • Click Next Step to continue.
  • On the Participant Information screen, the user's login name, password, and contact information will automatically be pulled over from the information in their other Brightly account. *Note: If the only other role this user has in another Brightly application is Requester, then their password will be new user by default.
  • The rest of the fields on this page are not required and can be added at any time. Click Next Step to continue.
  • If Location and/or Craft assignments apply to the user role, identify them on the following pages by checking the corresponding check boxes. *Note: Select Location(s) and Craft(s) when setting up a Supervisor II. Select Location(s) when setting up a Site Administrator. For all other roles, you can skip these pages. You can assign a Location to a requester, however this makes them a Power Requester and broadens their view in the system. Instead of only being able to see the requests they have made into the system, a Power Requester will be able to see all requests at their assigned location(s).
  • To define a user's Labor Rate, either select a predefined rate from the drop down box or select "Other Rate" and type it in the box provided. This is an optional step. *Note: If you do not want to put exact hourly rates for each of your users, a good best practice is to put in an average rate for them so that you will still be able to calculate labor costs.

Adding New Users

  • After clicking the New User button, you will need to select the Role for this user.
  • Check the box if you want this user to be the Comptroller for the account.
  • Click Next Step to continue.
  • On the Participant Information screen, you will need to enter a Login Name, First and Last Name, and Email Address for the user account.
  • Login Name - No character limit, but the name must be unique to all of our Brightly clients. We recommend using the person's email address as their Login Name.
  • Email Address - Enter a valid email address for the user.
  • Receive email notifications - If the user does not want to receive any automatic email notifications, uncheck this box.
  • Click Next Step to save.



  • If Location and/or Craft assignments apply to the user role (Supervisor II or Site Administrator), identify them on the following pages by checking the corresponding check boxes.
  • To define a user's Labor Rate, either select a predefined rate from the drop down box or select "Other Rate" and type it in the box provided. This is an optional step.